BATCO News and Information

Shipping to Canada June 25 2015, 0 Comments

We ship pitching machines, artificial pitching mounds, balls, batting cages and can provide all baseball and softball equipment for a client. BATCO international shipping to Canada is a service BATCO can provide to coach's, parents, players, and merchants in Canada. 

Shipping to Canada can be done by Postal Service, Air Freight, UPS, FeDEx which ever is best for the customer matching the equipment, time frame the client wants, and the budget. Normally BATCO ships  from the USA to Canada by freight line. Then BATCO the door-to-door delivery for the client.

Shipping to Canada creates the need for extra paperwork, HST payment, freight brokerage, all of which BATCO takes care of as part of the shipping service and shipping cost. This service is important to the client as the Canadian government requires these to be paid before they will release the equipment from customs.  With this service from BATCO the Canadian client gets his purchase delivered door to door without extra problems.  If BATCO did not provide this service, the customer would have to do it on there own. 

There are no special restriction on shipping to Canada, it is very easy and straight forward.  Normal travel time is 10 days by postal, 10 days by freight, carrier 10 days.

Items we have shipped to Canada:  Click on title to go to product page.

Batting cage, stance mat, netting, baseball training centerbullpen mound, artificual turf covered, pitching practice, easy to move-set up

Batting Cages  and Stance Mats           Portable Mounds                                  

tarp for field cover, heavy vynil, circles, custom size, field protectioniron mike, pitching machine, any ball, arm style

Spot Tarps for Field Covers                  Iron Mike Pitching machine with ball hopper

New Baseball Hitting Aid June 24 2015, 0 Comments

BATCO is happy to add to its product line is it net, it's a perfect partner to the wheeler dealer or the batting T.

This zip net, product hangs between two objects allows the batter to get into it, giving him a tremendous amount of swings, protecting the surroundings, and collecting up the balls so you don't have to chase them around.

This is the ideal product for use in a garage, building, basement, for the off-season or when you just want to get in a few extra swings. Then the beauty of the product is that once you got here swings. It pushes back out of the way like a shower curtain and doesn't take up any space.

Take a look at the video and I think you'll be impressed that both the simplicity, usefulness and the price.

Zip Net