BATCO News and Information

African Baseball Uganda March 18 2019, 0 Comments

Uganda Africa baseball furnished by BATCO and play global

BATCO Home Plate Cage New March 22 2017, 0 Comments

once again I would like to introduce and promote the BATCO home plate cage.. This cage is proving to be quite  popular, especially with the softball teams. We have sold several of them  recently to softball teams for the specific reason that girls can handle it, iit can going on and off the field through a normal gate.

I couldn't say any better than the coach down in Florida set it when he wrote me --" this cages been the best thing we ever bought, not one ball is left  the playing field into the parking lot or the road and my girls can open and close it in less than two minutes now.. We distort up against the fence until game time. It's always there during practice"

I would like to think that coach and several others from the college level down the high school that have begun using this cage and certainly enjoyed it because it is durable does what it says and easy to use..

If you would take a look at it in action on YouTube at  ---

this is a high school in Colorado it's had this cage for two years now.

Please take a look and give BATCO a call it will be worth your time if you're looking for a cage to use on the field that's easy to set up and use, put away, and move around.

Coach Arnald Swift BATCO

New Field Cage by BATCO September 21 2016, 0 Comments

We at BATCO (http://bat-co.comwould like to show you a new home plate batting cage that can be set up in 2 minutes and put away in 2 minutes, can be placed any where on the field, finally store upright in less than 1 foot thick area.  

Batco Home Plate Batting CageWe have tested this and used it at local high school, recreation district, and the University of Notre Dame with great results. We believe that it is a solution to you on field or field house cage needs.  Easy, quick, durable, versatile all the criteria that you are looking for in an on field batting cage.

Plus see other videos on Ytube:

Video for youtube batco batting cage

Australian International Shipping July 05 2015, 4 Comments

Shipping  to Australia can be done by Postal Service, Ocean Freight, Air Freight, UPS, FEDX, DHL what ever is best for the customer matching the equipment, time frame the client wants, and the budget.

BATCO can ship International. BATCO can provide baseball and softball equipment of all types to schools, coach's, parents, players, and merchants in Australia. We ship pitching machines, artificial pitching mounds, balls, batting cages and can provide all baseball and softball equipment for a client.

Then BATCO will help with the door -to-door delivery also if the client needs that service.  BATCO ships either from the USA port (ocean or airport) to Australia Port.

BATCO will give the client the cost of port to port, the client will collect the equipment at the port and pay the tax's, fee's, duties, etc that Australia government places places on the shipment.  BATCO does not charge or collect these monies.

There are no special restriction on shipping except the containers and the pallets must be certified contaminant free which of course we supply.  Normal travel time is 10 days by postal, 3 weeks by ocean, and 3 days by air freight, common carrier is normally 10 days.
Items we have shipped to Australia: Click on title to go to product page.

Iron Mike pitching machine, batting practice, baseball or softballPortable pitching mound, convert fields, convert Park to baseball fields

Iron Mike for League            Pitching Mound to convert park to baseball field

 Portable home plate batting cage, big Bubba, turtle,

Home plate batting cage for on the field use, a Big Bubba or Turtle

New Baseball Hitting Aid June 24 2015, 0 Comments

BATCO is happy to add to its product line is it net, it's a perfect partner to the wheeler dealer or the batting T.

This zip net, product hangs between two objects allows the batter to get into it, giving him a tremendous amount of swings, protecting the surroundings, and collecting up the balls so you don't have to chase them around.

This is the ideal product for use in a garage, building, basement, for the off-season or when you just want to get in a few extra swings. Then the beauty of the product is that once you got here swings. It pushes back out of the way like a shower curtain and doesn't take up any space.

Take a look at the video and I think you'll be impressed that both the simplicity, usefulness and the price.

Zip Net