Batco's Training Facilities & Academies, Sport Centers, Schools, & Universities

BATCO equipment at Runyan field and Pueblo Colorado March 30 2017, 0 Comments

BATCO is always happy to show off facilities and training centers that we were able to help furnish the equipment for. Each one of them has a new and different uniqueness to it but all have something to offer.

The one shown below  in pictures,, always the best way to show facilities is located in Pueblo Colorado, Runyan field is the facility's name it contains  six fields for all ages from college bound eight-year-olds. 


artificial turf at home plate and on the pitchers mound with inlaid batter's box.

eight-year-old baseball and softball field all turf at Runyan field.

 Panoramic view of Hobb"s field Runyan complex in Pueblo.. Something curious about this picture can you write and tell me.

New Faculity at New York High School October 03 2016, 0 Comments

Custom Cover for BATCO

This is a custom cover that a high school in New York State wanted as a third-party add-on..  This was done by high school in New York and BATCO created this cover, as part of our service. It has a giant zipper on it they can be pulled down or pushed up with a stick or long string, the school is going to experiment with that. In the back it just comes down about 3 foot over the arches is not a full 100% cover. But it looks good and is attached at the top so when it's unzipped it is pulled open like curtains. Then use it again to back it up against the wall and pull the cover forward. It has a learning curve but the truth is it turned out very nice.

Notre Dame clinic February 26 2016, 0 Comments

We at BATCO have had the pleasure of working with University of Notre Dame coaches and players in the development of a new batting cage.

We took it to them and they put it through the testing procedure with through their clinics, as well as two high schools have set up and used it extensively and it is a very good batting solution for a cage on the field, but easy to use.

This cage is now on the website and we invite anybody to take a look at it, cause or get one for your team.

This is brand-new cage and a new concept that we hope solve a need coaches have while hitting on the field.

Notre Dame, into batting cage, BATCO plate cage, easy to move, anywhere on the field

Clinic at Notre Dame Fieldhouse South Bend Indiana